Facial Rejuvenation-Cosmetic Acupuncture
Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture also known as cosmetic acupuncture helps to slow down or reverse signs of aging naturally. It is an effective alternative to surgery, injections, and fillers because it increases collagen production, firms facial muscles, shrinks pores, tightens skin, and smooths out fine lines, giving the face a healthful glow. Very fine needles are applied to the face, but also inserted distally in the body. This helps to address the systemic imbalances, which can affect the health and appearance of the skin. After needles are inserted the patient will lay under a LED light to help boost the effects of the treatment. LED light therapy has many benefits including boosting collagen production and enhancing cellular metabolism to accelerate the repair of damaged skin. The results from the combination of these two services alone are amazing!
Read more about the benefits of LED light therapy here!
But that's not all... The needling portion of the treatment is followed by an option of 2 modalities.
The first option is a face massage using a jade or rose quartz tool. This technique is called Gua Sha. This relaxing technique improves circulation and lymph drainage, resulting in healthier more radiant skin. Gua Sha also helps to lift and sculpt the skin while relaxing the muscles of the face in order to prevent fine lines.
Facial cupping is the second option. Facial cups are smaller and more gentle than the ones used on the body but still very effective. By gently pulling the skin away from deeper layers of fascia, this technique helps to increases blood flow and lymph drainage to the area and rejuvenates the skin without leaving cup marks behind.
Benefits of Facial Rejuvenation include:
Slows signs of aging
Softens lines and wrinkles
Reduce muscle tension that may be causing unsightly lines
Lifts sagging
Reduces puffiness and under-eye bags
Increases moisture and elasticity
Improves skin texture
Balances systemic issues
A standard course of treatment is 12 sessions, with results really looking obvious after about the 7th.
12 treatments are optimal for lasting effects, with the occasional follow-up session for upkeep. The Recommendation for the frequency of treatments is 2 times weekly for the best effects.
*******Combine Facial Acupuncture with Microneedling for even longer lasting effects*****
Read more about the benefits of LED Microneedling here!
Facial Acupuncture treatments are offered as single treatment sessions or as packages :
PACKAGE OF 3 Sessions: $315 this includes: - 1 free gua sha tool
- 1 free Collagen Peptide Facial Mask
PACKAGE OF 6 Sessions: $600 this includes: - 1 free gua sha tool
- 2 free Collagen Peptide Facial Mask
Refund Policy for Packages:
If a treatment has been rendered, then there are no refunds for that service.
If treatments have been rendered in a package , then those treatments will be charged at full price, and not at the discounted package rate. The refund will be subtracted from the used treatments.
**It should be noted that Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is contraindicated for some pituitary disorders, heart disorders, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, for individuals who have a problem with bleeding or bruising, or who currently suffer from migraine headaches. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture should not be administered during pregnancy, or during a bout of a cold, flu, active skin inflammation, or acute allergy.**
Read more about the benefits of LED light therapy here!
But that's not all... The needling portion of the treatment is followed by an option of 2 modalities.
The first option is a face massage using a jade or rose quartz tool. This technique is called Gua Sha. This relaxing technique improves circulation and lymph drainage, resulting in healthier more radiant skin. Gua Sha also helps to lift and sculpt the skin while relaxing the muscles of the face in order to prevent fine lines.
Facial cupping is the second option. Facial cups are smaller and more gentle than the ones used on the body but still very effective. By gently pulling the skin away from deeper layers of fascia, this technique helps to increases blood flow and lymph drainage to the area and rejuvenates the skin without leaving cup marks behind.
Benefits of Facial Rejuvenation include:
Slows signs of aging
Softens lines and wrinkles
Reduce muscle tension that may be causing unsightly lines
Lifts sagging
Reduces puffiness and under-eye bags
Increases moisture and elasticity
Improves skin texture
Balances systemic issues
A standard course of treatment is 12 sessions, with results really looking obvious after about the 7th.
12 treatments are optimal for lasting effects, with the occasional follow-up session for upkeep. The Recommendation for the frequency of treatments is 2 times weekly for the best effects.
*******Combine Facial Acupuncture with Microneedling for even longer lasting effects*****
Read more about the benefits of LED Microneedling here!
Facial Acupuncture treatments are offered as single treatment sessions or as packages :
PACKAGE OF 3 Sessions: $315 this includes: - 1 free gua sha tool
- 1 free Collagen Peptide Facial Mask
PACKAGE OF 6 Sessions: $600 this includes: - 1 free gua sha tool
- 2 free Collagen Peptide Facial Mask
Refund Policy for Packages:
If a treatment has been rendered, then there are no refunds for that service.
If treatments have been rendered in a package , then those treatments will be charged at full price, and not at the discounted package rate. The refund will be subtracted from the used treatments.
**It should be noted that Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is contraindicated for some pituitary disorders, heart disorders, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, for individuals who have a problem with bleeding or bruising, or who currently suffer from migraine headaches. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture should not be administered during pregnancy, or during a bout of a cold, flu, active skin inflammation, or acute allergy.**